Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gather 'round! It's story time

This is seriously one of the cutest kids I have ever seen.

Once upon a time... from Capucha on Vimeo.

A little Amelie who paints the world with her words and smiles :)

Mr. BITH sat through a few videos after hearing me laughing like crazy from the next room. His only comment was,

"My gosh. You'd kidnap her if you could"

I just smiled.

Apparently, this video has gotten the most attention, but I really like Capucine Meets Alex, Yuuuuuuuuum, Too much candy, My name's Ingalls, Carrie Ingalls and Elementary my dear Watson.

*hell* watch them all.

She's too, too adorable.

Make sure you check out her t-shirts and other items on various websites. All proceeds go to Edurelief.

Oh, and if you think my fascination makes me look like I am off my rocker, Google this child. Here's just one small sample . . .

My favorite line from Capucine's letter to Santa:
If I hug you, your beard will not sting, it will only tickle.

My favorite line from the author:
We take back everything bad we ever said about babies. As long as they look, talk, and think like this one

1 comment:

Stormin' said...

It must be a family thing because I am in loves. She is so cute I want to eat her up.